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Department of Theatre and Dance

Season Selection Guidelines, Process, and Information

MTSU Theatre & Dance Season Selection Model

The MTSU Theatre & Dance production program is an extension of classroom theory and training and is primarily for the education and training of theatre & dance students while also offering cultural and entertainment opportunities to the MTSU and larger community. Our goal is to produce a season of plays and musicals that promote opportunity, inclusion, and diverse subject matter, especially selections by women and people of color. 
A committee of faculty, staff, and student representatives review and select plays for each season based on the plays submitted by Faculty, Staff and Students.


Season Selection Process:


Faculty committee members appointed each year by Department Chair.

2 students are included on committee – one chosen by APO, one by faculty- ideally one with a director/actor focus and one with a design/tech focus

Limit 4 submissions per individual faculty/staff, 2 per student. 

During a four-year rotation, the Center Stage & the Student Success Series will be selected with pieces that seek to rotate the following genres:




Original Work/New Plays



Pre & Golden Age

1960’s to 1980’s




Schedule Outline: 

  1. The first meeting of a new Season Selection committee should include a review of the past two seasons, so that the committee can identify any types of plays that should be given special consideration to ensure a well-balanced student experience. (This conversation can also include things like ACTF/NAST.)
  2. The committee will then call for submissions, noting any specific categories that will be given special consideration.
  3. Play submission – this includes plays for the entire season, both Centerstage and Student Success Series.
  4. Opportunity to Pitch – anyone who has submitted a show can attend the Season Selection committee meeting to voice support for their show
  5. The Season Selection committee creates a short list of shows for consideration for the entire season.
  6. The Short List is presented to Student Advisory Board for review and comment, and the list is revised as needed.
  7. The Season Selection committee presents the SAB with a short list for Student Success Series, and SAB selects the SSS shows.
  8. The Season Selection Committee will select the Centerstage Series.
  9. Ideally, the entire season is announced at the same time.
  10. The last task of the Season Selection committee is to compile a list of any plays not selected that should be considered again next season. 

Theatre Program Social Media

Dance Program Social Media

Department Office Location: Boutwell Dramatic Arts Building (BDA) 205

Mailing address
Middle Tennessee State University
Department of Theatre and Dance
Campus Box 43
Murfreesboro, TN 37132

Phone: (615) 898-2640
Fax: (615) 898-5826